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Showing posts from 2009

History Of Apple Trees

Apple trees were the most popularly grown fruit tree in colonial America and practically every settlement farm and backyard gardener planted this easily grown fruit tree, or easier, the seed of the apple could be planted to establish a permanent food supply. Growing these apple tree products could be eaten fresh or could be dried and preserved in many different ways to eat at a later time. Historical instances on the existence of apple trees are documented from folklore, legends, stone images on carved tablets, petrified slices of apples on plates for tomb offerings, and overwhelming numbers of references from Hebrew Bible scriptures and innumerable writings from poetry, songs, literary publications, and many other surviving accounts of all civilizations in the ancient world. One of the earliest archeological evidences of apple tree fruit comes from the remains of excavations from Jericho, Jordan, that has been dated 6500 BC by radiochemical analysis of carbon atoms. The petrified rema


Before taking up the garden vegetables individually, I shall outline the general practice of cultivation, which applies to all. The purposes of cultivation are three to get rid of weeds, and to stimulate growth by (1) letting air into the soil and freeing unavailable plant food, and (2) by conserving moisture. As to weeds, the gardener of any experience need not be told the importance of keeping his crops clean. He has learned from bitter and costly experience the price of letting them get anything resembling a start. He knows that one or two days' growth, after they are well up, followed perhaps by a day or so of rain, may easily double or treble the work of cleaning a patch of onions or carrots, and that where weeds have attained any size they cannot be taken out of sowed crops without doing a great deal of injury. He also realizes, or should, that every day's growth means just so much available plant food stolen from under the very roots of his legitimate crops. Instead of l

Balcony, Patio, and Courtyard Gardening

People choose balcony, patio, and courtyard gardening for many different reasons. Some are moving from a large house to smaller accommodation, some don’t want the hassle of a large property, and some chose to live in rental property to avoid the high-cost of owning a home. Whatever the reason, this doesn’t mean we can’t garden. No space is too small for a small space garden. One plant in a container is a garden. In fact, ever more gardening options are available in terms of pots, half-barrels, window boxes, troughs, cast-iron planters, recycled materials – the list is unending with possibilities. Planning a Small Space Garden When planning your small space garden several steps are fundamental. The first consideration is to determine what purpose this space will serve. Do you want to grow vegetables, herbs, entertain family and friends, meditate, create a place of peace, healing, a memorial garden – the list is endless. Next, walk around your space and really look at what you ha

The Secret To Healthier Plants? Let’s Ask My Grandfather.

My Grandfather was an old school farmer from way back who depended on his crops for his living. He, like farmers then and now, knew that the secret to optimum yield and plant health begins in the soil. If the soil was just right and other conditions were favorable, his yields were higher and he could make a descent living that would get his family through the rest of the year. My grandfather also knew that the condition and health of the soil directly influenced the plants ability to resist disease and insects. Having to use any type of insecticide on his farm was virtually unheard of. And yet, he had no insect problem. So the question of what is the secret to healthier and more beautiful plants should really begin with the question of what is the secret to healthy soil. Many factors will influence the quality and condition of your soil. And at the top of the list is the ph (acidity or alkalinity) of soil. Most folks have heard about soil ph but very few know how important it is and t

Gardening Through A Drought Or How To Sprinkle Your Water Wisely

So you find yourself in the middle of the worst drought within living memory and your garden occupants are starting to sag, flag and wilt. Which plants should be watered first and which plants should receive the main quantities of the irrigation? You begin to feel like the leader of a third world country trying to spread your counties meagre budget across healthcare, military and education. Never fear, let me dampen your worries with some drought advice. First to receive the H2O Recent plantings are top of the list for regular watering, if water is available. New plantings such as bare-root trees or shrubs planted the previous autumn / winter, with newly planted perennials also at great risk from drought damage. You see these new plantings have not had much time to produce water-seeking roots, the type of roots that travel deep and wide for moisture. Because of this, we must supplement the plants natural water supply. During a hosepipe ban, recent plantings of annual bedding summer bed

History Of Mulberry Trees, ‘Morus Alba,’ ‘Morus Rubrum,’ And ‘Morus Nigra’

Mulberry trees were well known in the ancient civilizations of the world. They were famous fruit trees, because of the delicious berry fruits that were abundantly produced by fast growing trees—loaded with huge green leaves that were eaten by livestock, along with the berries, and the leaves were used in the Orient to fatten silkworms for the silk trade. General Oglethorpe, in 1733, imported 500 white mulberry trees to Fort Frederica in Georgia to encourage silk production at the English colony of Georgia. William Bartram, the famous early American explorer and botanist, described his encounter with mulberry trees near Mobile, Alabama, in his book, Travels, in the year 1773. Prince’s Nursery in 1774 offered for sale 500 white mulberry trees, ‘Morus alba’ and 1000 black mulberry trees, ‘Morus nigra,’ at Flushing, New York. Documents show that America’s first President, George Washington, bought fruit from this nursery. Mulberry trees were planted in the landscape of President Thomas Jef

History Of Persimmons, ‘Diospyros Kaki L.’

Japanese persimmons, ‘Diospyros kaki L.,’ were introduced into the United States from Japan by Admiral Perry who discovered the fruit growing on the coast of Southern Japan in 1851. Most of the early Japanese persimmon introductions in 1828 were sprouted from seed in Washington, DC, but were unsuccessful, because of the unusually cold winters experienced during that period. The USDA introduced grafted cultivars of Japanese persimmon into California and Georgia beginning in 1870, and many of these experimental persimmon tree trials were begun in Central Florida in the early 1900’s at the University located in Gainesville, Florida. One thousand cultivars of Japanese persimmon are available from Japan, but from the hundreds of tree cultivars tested in the United States during the past years, only a handful of commercial trees should be considered by the home gardener for reliable fruit production. The cultivars of Japanese persimmon trees recommended for home gardeners are Fuyu, Fuyugaki,

Control Pests From Breaking Into Your Gardens And Spoil Your Gardening Spirit !

Unwanted insects in your garden are just that: unwanted. Unwanted insects may eat and destroy your crops, something shared by any farmer or home gardener. Organic gardening is a means of controlling unwanted insects naturally, without the use of dangerous pesticides. There are many ways to control garden unwanted insects naturally that are also cheap, easy and good for the earth. Protect your organic soil and beneficial insects While pesticides may eliminate the pest, they most often cause more harm than good. Unfortunately, many home and commercial gardeners are unaware of alternatives to pesticides. That’s because s are a big part of our culture. Reaching for a quick fix—albeit a dangerous fix—is a deep seeded and detrimental habit. Yet apart from damaging the soil and being a health hazard to people—including our children—pesticides present a major problem. They eradicate species indiscriminately, causing helpful garden co-habitants to disappear along with the harmful ones. An organ

The best safes for your valuable things.

Do you have so many valuable things such as, land certificate, birth certificate, money, diamond and gold? Are you needed a safes that can save your valuable thing from fire, stolen and theft? Maybe depository safes can help you to solve your problem. A depository safe is a box that can resist your valuable things from fire and usually its water resistance too. So, you won’t be worry about the saving of your valuable things within it. It’s also equipped with code to open it. Of course this box can resist your valuable thing from theft. There are so many safes that like depository safes such as, fire safe safes , floor safes , gun safes and much more. So, you only choose the right safes for your valuable things. These safes you can get in the safes store that sells many safes type. But if you don’t have much time in buying it, you can order it online. There is one online store that sells these things. You can check it out here. Now, what are you waiting for? Safe your valuable thi

The Best Rain Barrel Store That Serve You Online.

Hi friend, You like farming? Surely you will need this tool to complement your farming. What is it? Of course, with the rain barrels that can catch rain from the sky. Rain water barrels is good for rain harvesting . So, you can safe your using of water because it can be catch rain water. You can use the water within it that very useful for harvesting. You only distribute the rain barrels on the pipe or hose that watering your garden to stay awake. Wow, it’s very simple right. If you are interested to buy rain barrels , you can buy it online in the best rain barrel online store. So, you just sit in front of your computer that connected to the internet. After that, you just click order at the rain barrel online store, then your rain barrels will be arrive within 1x24 hours. You can save your time and you can still focus with your work. They also give you free shipping and installation fee. Now, how about their prices? It always complicated when you asking about their price. But, su

History Of Pomegranates, ‘Punica Granatum’

Because of the many seeds found in pomegranate fruits, they were regarded as a symbol of fertility by the ancient cultures of Egypt, Greece, and Rome. The Greek writer, Homer, wrote about pomegranates growing at Syracuse, on the island of Sicily. The Bible of the Hebrews records many references to the pomegranate, and the image of the fruit was used extensively in molding and stone sculptures found in Solomon’s temple at Jerusalem, Israel. Pomegranates, ‘Punica granatum,’ are native shrubs and trees found growing throughout much of the Middle East, and much of Europe. The pomegranates appear to be the dominant landscape trees growing along roadsides of Albania, Montenegro, Bulgaria, and many parts of Turkey. The pomegranate trees appeared in Spain around 800AD by the Moors. Granada, Spain, on the coast of the Mediterranean, got its name from the Latin name of the pomegranate, ‘Punica granatum.’ The French named the new explosive weapon, hand grenade, after the Latinized ‘Punica granatu

Direct TV. Replacement solution for your cable TV

Do you want to watch HD quality TV? But you do not know where to subscribe? May be Direct TV can help you to solve your problems. Direct TV is a TV service provider that provides many quality channels from around the world. With a small fee, you can view your favorite TV shows with HD quality. There are many TV programs that they provide, ranging from sports, local TV and international TV. Directtv also provide recording services where you can record your favorite TV show when you are busy. So you will not miss your favorite show when you are busy, because you can still watch the show when you have spare time. Now, what are you waiting for? Register yourself now to Directtv to get HD quality on your favorite TV show. And get the best TV from around the world with affordable price and of course only on Direct TV. If you live in New York, you'll get special offers from Direct TV in New York . Order now and see your favorite TV show with your family that you love. Because Directtv

How To Take Care Of Your Roses

The rose is a very beautiful flower, often considered to be the queen of all flowers. The inherent beauty of the rose is peerless; no other flower can ever compare to it. Gardeners who have successfully cultivated their own rose gardens prize the fruit of their own labors highly and take a lot of effort to care for and maintain their gardens. For indeed, if you want to be able to enjoy the beauty of a rose plant, you must be prepared to exert the effort needed to cultivate, care for and protect these plants. The task of caring for roses is no easy feat. To take care of roses can be arduous and can consume a good amount of time every day. But no matter how laborious cultivating roses can be, the effort exerted is very much worth it. To see a healthy and thriving rose plant in your garden is certainly very rewarding. Caring for rose plants involves regular watering, pruning and constant protection from the weather and from disease. Watering Your Roses There are flowers and plants t

The Meaning Behind Birth Flowers

For as long as we all remember, flowers have always been given as gifts for any occasion. We give flowers as gifts simply because flowers are beautiful and their beauty pleases everyone. The act of giving flowers is also a language in itself. Each flower is said to have its very own meaning, and the meaning of a particular flower when given to a person conveys a message that corresponds to the flower's meaning to that person. The practice of giving flowers on a person’s birthday dates back to the times of the Roman Empire. The Romans presented flowers on a person’s birthday to honor that person as well as to honor Flora, the Roman goddess of springtime and flowers. Flowers are also given in temples as offering to the gods. How a flower became associated with a particular month and got referred to as a birth flower is simply because the said flower is more in season on that month than on any other month. Over time, birth flowers came to have a special meaning of their own. Ja

Planting the Seeds of Greatness

Mighty oaks, from tiny acorns grow...and the same is true with human beings. Every accomplished person was once a tiny child, a child who was sparked to strive for excellence. As parents we are in the unique position of being entrusted with a precious soul and it is up to us to protect and nurture that soul for a lifetime. No parent can make a child great. However a parent can help a child want to be great. Much depends on the early childhood years. With the proper encouragement and praise, your child will follow the path you forge. Nothing succeeds like success. When your child’s first garden bursts into bloom, that pride and joy of accomplishment will be a cherished memory. So start out by making it easy to succeed! The task involved should fit your time frame. Avoid the disappointment of an unfinished project. However, sometimes things just don’t work out and showing your child how to pick up and start over is also a life lesson. Here are just a few examples of almost foolproof p


A great deal about fountains has changed over the last decade. Now there are really high class ones made of copper, stainless steel, bronze, concrete, and stone, and some fairly nice ones made of resin and fiberglass. There are several things to consider, though. As a pump wholesaler, I speak with fountain owners all the time and also look at lots of samples of fountains at trade shows and in magazines. Before purchasing a fountain, there are quite a few questions to ask. What looks good in a store might not look good at your home or business. Bronze and Stainless Steel Fountains These are at the high end of fountains, and can retail for ten to twenty thousand dollars. They are plain classy. But will one of these fit in where you want to put it? Do you have the right yard or business or location for such a classic kind of display? Also, do you like the aging process (the verdigris patina) that bronze undergoes? Can you afford one of these? If you answered yes to these questions, a b

Be Elegant With Stainless Steel.

As we know, there is a unique characteristic that stainless have. What is it? Stainless is like silver that represents an elegant style that never get rusty. Now, so many people using stainless steel that make their property become an elegant. The shiny of stainless has unique differences with another metals material. It’s become a trend now. So, why you didn’t follow the trend, change all your property with stainless steel. If you are interested to change your property with stainless steel, I have one recommended site for you. What is it? It is The Stainless Store . There is so many furniture that made from stainless steel that provide for you such as, stainless steel firebox accessories , stainless steel pen cup , stainless steel business card case and so many more. It’s very suitable for you who are like the elegant style. So, what are you waiting for? Take a look their site and order your desire stainless steel furniture from them. What about their price. I think it’s not too di

The Right Sites to Plan Your Furniture Concept.

Are you confused with arranging your furniture concept? Or you don’t have any time to do that. Don’t worry pals, because there are professional hands that can help you to do that. Your entire furniture concept will be planning by them. So, you just focus at your job to pay their payment latter. You can also choose a variety of styles that they provide for you. How about their service? They are professional pal. Don’t worry about their service, because they give you a satisfaction guarantee. So, don’t worry about that. They will plan your furniture concept with all Modern Furniture , Especially for your Living rooms . They will make your living rooms more comfortable than before. They also will give you the best furniture if you want such as bedrooms , tables , closets and so many more. So, what are you waiting for pal? Look out their service here. About the price, I think they will give you the best price as they can. May be you can d bargaining with theme. Don’t miss it pal. Orde

Ancient Figs Through History

The fig tree, ‘Ficus carica,’ possibly originated in Northern Asia according to archeological fossil records. Spanish missionaries brought it to the United States in 1520. Historical Sumerian tablets record the use and consumption of figs in 2500 BC. In Greek mythology, the fig figures prominently as a gift of Demeter to Dionysus and as having received the blessing and sanctity of the Greek Gods. Plato documented that Greek athletes at Olympia were fed diets of figs to increase their running speed and overall strength. The figs contained up to 50% concentration of sugar which was virtually like feeding the athlete a candy bar. The most famous Biblical reference to figs is that, in which Jesus cursed a fig tree for not producing any fruit for him as he passed by, a curse that killed the fig tree, Matt 21:18 The Jewish King, Hezekiah, was cured of a life-threatening plague by applying figs to the infected spot. 2 Kings 20 The Apostle, James, brother of Jesus, used the metaphor of the fig

Tidy Your Messy Garden Up With Metal Garden Shed.

Hi friend, Having problem with your messy garden? Just tidy it up with Metal Garden Shed . You can place your garden equipment within it. So, your garden will look so beautiful without your belong spread out at your garden. Now, where you can buy Metal Garden Shed ? You can buy it online in the Metal Sheds Store. You can choose your Metal sheds size base on your need. There are so many choice that you can choose. How about their prices? They give you a reasonable price for you. Its base on the Metal Garden Shed size, Bigger Size will take more expensive to buy. Payment method using visa, so you can buy it online then you just waiting your Metal Sheds arrive at your home. Their price is included delivery, so you don’t have to worry about another fee that they want from you. Now, what are you waiting for friend? Order your desire Metal sheds now, and make your messy garden tidy up from now. They give you 10 years warranty, so you don’t have to worry about their quality. Order now